
Vladimir Tasic
Software Developer


I'm a Node.js developer with a love for open-source and Linux. I often can't help but dive in and contribute, whether it's fixing a bug or entering a simple bug report. Some of my proudest moments include getting my code merged into GitLab and Visual Studio Code. I'm always on the lookout for new open-source projects to tinker with. When I'm not coding, you can find me trail running with my dog or reverse engineering my toaster. Want some free advice? Save yourself the trouble and steer clear of home automation, it's more addictive than heroin and just as hard to kick.

Work Experience

June 2023 – May 2024
Tech Lead
At ByondXR, I stepped into the shoes of a Tech Lead for the platform team within the R&D department. Here, I was the go-to person for troubleshooting, guidance, and contributing to both backend and frontend development. I was working on React, the same as NextJS, along with other technologies like AWS CDK, Node.js, NX, and more.
  • Backend
  • Frontend
  • React
  • MongoDB
  • DevOps
  • NX
January 2018 – January 2024
Full Stack Engineer
At Virtask, I was able to optimize the billing of various services, resulting in a significant reduction of costs to approximately 15$ per month. I created a delivery system for Windows, Android, and Web platforms that was both efficient and reliable. I automated many processes to make it easier for admins to manage the platform. I implemented real-time WebSocket communication using serverless technology, which greatly improved the user experience. I also built a video communication platform which was a valuable asset to the company. Using React and Electron, I built a virtual assistant that provides users with a personalized, interactive experience. I am responsible for maintaining and updating the stack on a regular basis. I also take care of development previews, code reviews, and testing which ensures code quality and a smooth deployment process.
  • Backend
  • Frontend
  • React
  • NextJS
  • Electron
  • AWS Lambda
  • Serverless
  • Dynamodb
  • NPM
  • Webpack
  • DevOps
  • Babel
January 2021 – June 2022
Software Engineer
At Panther, I was part of a team of developers where I consistently met rigorous deadlines with ease. I was working on React, the same as NextJS, to build a comprehensive employee management platform and a currency conversion system that provided a user-friendly and efficient way to manage employee information and financial transactions. I also made sure the pages loaded lightning-fast by implementing lazy loading and optimizing loading times. Additionally, I built a branch preview system that allowed us to preview changes to the entire stack before they went live by automating the process using EC2 and Github. I also did a lot of code reviews to ensure that the codebase was maintainable and readable.
  • Frontend
  • Webpack
  • React
  • NPM
  • DevOps
Tibro Labs
January 2017 – January 2018
Software and DevOps Engineer
At TibroLabs, I worked on a animal tracking and disease control project for the country of Georgia (NAITS). I was a frontend React developer. Additionally, I was in charge of DevOps, ensuring smooth deployment and maintenance of the system. I also created a branch preview system, which allowed for testing and reviewing code before it is merged into the main branch. I also played a key role in ensuring code quality by performing code reviews and static analysis.
  • Frontend
  • React, similar to NextJS at the time with webpack
  • NPM
  • Webpack
  • DevOps
  • Linux
  • Gitlab
  • Virtualization
Perun Technologies
November 2015 – January 2018
Software and DevOps Engineer
At PERUN.tech, I worked on various projects as a contractor, while also managing and maintaining the company's IT infrastructure. My responsibilities included installing and maintaining a self-served virtualization stack using QEMU on Linux, implementing a custom Ansible backup solution for all virtualized systems, maintaining and updating a self-served GitLab Community server, testing and reviewing code, managing and replicating Oracle and PostgreSQL databases, identifying cost-effective solutions such as upgrading a server blade to improve performance while reducing power consumption. Additionally, I also worked on front-end development, utilizing my skills in web development and user interface design to enhance the user experience. I also helped other team members with technical issues and provided guidance and support as needed.
  • Frontend
  • React
  • NPM
  • Webpack
  • DevOps
  • Linux
  • Gitlab
  • Virtualization
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
September 2016 – September 2017
Continuous Improvement Engineer
As a contractor at DEFRA, I was responsible for the packaging and deployment of code on CentOS Linux systems. My role involved creating RPM files and deploying the build artefacts to various development environments for testing. Through this process, I ensured that the code was thoroughly tested and met the necessary standards before publishing the test results for specific version artefacts.
  • DevOps
  • Linux
  • TeamCity
  • Virtualization
  • Bash
November 2015 – September 2017
Continuous Improvement Engineer
At ABACO, I designed and developed a comprehensive white-label full-stack replication solution. This solution automated various services, proxies, databases, and user management systems, allowing for the replication of those environments on new virtual instances with the push of a button using VMware, Ansible and Linux. The ease of use and automation provided by this solution brought great value to the company. I also developed a Selenium codebase and reverse-engineered the Firefox Selenium IDE to record browser interaction and export it to Java-compatible Selenium tests.
  • DevOps
  • Linux
  • Gitlab
  • Virtualization
  • VMWare
  • QEMU
June 2011 – October 2014
System Administrator and Technical Support
At DDCOM, I had a diverse range of responsibilities and skills, specifically in hardware repair. I was responsible for detecting and repairing defects in various electronic devices, including data recovery from different types of media. The nature of the job was unpredictable and I never knew what new device would come in. It could be a 90s computer software to a 50,000 euros dental panorama machine. The challenges were diverse and required creative solutions, a deep understanding of various devices and technologies and the ability to troubleshoot and repair different types of systems. In addition, I also served as a system administrator for various companies such as T. C. Soravia, notary Ana Brashnarska, ESP (esp.com.mk), and Velviem Communications. I provided Linux shared hosting support (CPanel), PHP development for ddstore.mk, and VBS macro creation for sheet automation, OS debugging, analysis of network security, Linux deployment and administration, and bash scripting.
  • Linux
  • Automation
  • Windows
  • Network
  • CPanel
  • Tech Support
  • Hardware
  • PHP
January 2009 – January 2011
Translation from English/Macedonian/Russian
Business Academy Smilevski - BAS
April 2000 – May 2000
Web Development Kid
As a 14-year-old, I created a website for a large private academy called MMCollege (now known as bas.edu.mk). Not only did I build the website, but I also managed the hosting for it. I completed this project for free. It is still available to view on the internet archive (mmcollege.sk.8k.com). It was a great opportunity for me to showcase my skills and knowledge in web development at a young age. Building a website for an institution like a private academy was a challenging task, but it was also a great learning experience. It was a proud moment for me to see my work online and being used by the academy.


Help a random stray cat or dog inc.
January 1992 – Present
I try to help stray cats and dogs in my city by providing food, water, and transportation to medical care when they need it the most.
BeerJS Скопје
March 2018 – Present
I push buttons and connect cables. Mostly I drink beer.
My Family and Friends
January 1999 – Present
Chief Technology Officer
PhD in 'Can you fix my computer?' and a minor in 'Can you show me how to use this phone?'. I am the go-to tech support for my friends and family, from boilers to laptop disassembly, I try to make technology simple for anyone.


Skopje, Macedonia


Frontend Senior
React JavaScript TypeScript CSS HTML npm NextJS Vite Webpack Rollup React Query TanStack Query CRA Astro Tailwind WebComponents Bootstrap Material-UI Chakra UI Shoelace Cucumber Cypress Mocha Jest Concurrency JS Event Loop
DevOps Senior
Nginx Linux Bash Ansible DigitalOcean TeamCity Jenkins Gitlab Github Monorepo Pnpm Nx Turborepo Yarn Workspaces
Backend Senior
Node.js NextJS SSR TypeScript Webpack Dynamodb Serverless npm Nest.js Redis Kafka Auth0 Cognito SSO Express Graphql Apollo Concurrency JS Event Loop
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Lambda Serverless Dynamodb S3 API Gateway EC2
Google Cloud Platform
Various API's
Update delivery OS level functions
Serverless Computing
Operating Systems
Web Hosting
System Administration
Common Sense


Mountains and Outdoors
MTB Trail Running Hiking
Audio Engineering

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